Happiness is a state of mind, it's not a zip code. It's not a bank account and it's not a house in Beverly Hills (although I might be tempted to ask Fate to let me find that out by myself). The grass is not greener on the other side, it might even be worse. However, this is not to say that it should not be tried, on the contrary, I think it's a great idea to travel to countries that are poorer than yours. Visit and get to know poverty around the world. I know, because I have. I have also known people that are immensely wealthy and I mean in cash, and I also mean the amount of power that they wield. I know what a two bedroom suite in Manhattan luxury hotel looks like, and I know what an apartment in Queens looks like.
What I am trying to tell you is that you should not expect things to improve as if by magic just by moving from one city to another, or even worse, from one country to another or by changing jobs. I am trying to tell you that the same challenges expect you on the other city or the other country, because the fault lies within you, not in the world that surrounds you.
It's not that I don't care about the problems in the world, but I try not to get involved in idealistic schemes of World Improvement (as seen thru the eyes of Al Gore, you hypocrite), when I can see that the people that surround me need help. I start by trying to be an influence on those who surround me, not in the General Assembly of the United Nations.
The first person that I should take care of is therefore, myself. It is only by beginning with me that I can extend this power of self love, to the power of loving others. People are very sensitive to this. They know when you love yourself and when you don't. And they will dump you without mercy if they do not sense this basic love.
Happiness lies not yonder the next hill. Happiness lies in the here and now. You have been given all you need to be happy, but you have not been given what you expected. Happiness is a state of mind. I realize and I know that I have been out in the dumps, but I also know that in the final analysis, there is only me. When I take care of myself, I am then able to care for those I love.
Smile, and the world will smile right back. Cry, and you will find yourself crying alone.
I know a Princess that knows how to love herself, and in loving herself, has found that it does not involve sacrificing herself in trying to meet the demands of others.
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