docto, ta.
(Del lat. doctus, part. pas. de docēre, enseñar).
1. adj. Que a fuerza de estudios ha adquirido más conocimientos que los comunes u ordinarios. U. t. c. s.
Gracias doctora, por las lecciones de vida
(Mejor ponerlo aquí, en público, para que todo mundo se entere)
Gracias doctora por todas las lecciones de vida, y de misma forma, espero que las conversaciones continuen francas, abiertas y sin temores, con la amistad que nos prometimos, sin compromisos ni obligaciones.
Visitas de la última semana a la página
Conversaciones entre el Llaverito y Yo
Why am I doing this? Well, just to write down some things that come to me now and then. It is mainly for my own entertainment, but I also use it for more serious things, like studying and reviewing things I like. I also tell publicly what I should be telling privately. It is written both in English and Spanish but not side by side. Some things sound better in English and some sound better in Spanish.
You are welcome to nose around.
Why am I doing this? Well, just to write down some things that come to me now and then. It is mainly for my own entertainment, but I also use it for more serious things, like studying and reviewing things I like. I also tell publicly what I should be telling privately. It is written both in English and Spanish but not side by side. Some things sound better in English and some sound better in Spanish.
You are welcome to nose around.
Se ve que le tienes mucha confianza a tu doctora? podrias presentarmela, imagino es Psicologa no?